
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Embrace the Camera: 05/26 @ Union Station…

“Unexpected trips are always FUN!"

It’s funny when plans steer you in a different direction… that’s what kept happening to us every time we attempted to visit the Union Station. The place is full of history, amzing for great photo opts, and kids love trains. We weren't thinking of riding because my husband has never riden a train as a form of transformation. It seems to be more of a field trip for us at no cost… hehehe.

So the day finally happened. We didn't quite planned it, it was more of a call of nature…by this I mean someone badly needed to go to the restroom. lol

Guesses who? Not the little guy or the little missy but ME. Hahaha… yes it’s me.

We went from dropping off my cousins at a relatives house and ending up at an unexpected visit to 

The journey begins…

Pictures first before my run to the restroom…

 Mike needed to hold on to that little guy, he could’t wait to see the trains. He kept saying 'are we going to ride train?' over and over and over…

Father and Son...

The waiting room at the Los Angeles Union Station

His eyes just could’t stop looking around…

Daddy and little missy stopped into the Union Bagel…

“Unexpected trips are always FUN!". Now Mike is finally open to taking a trip using the Amtrak!!! 
Mission accomplished!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Embrace the Camera: Simple and Fun Celebration...

My Mother’s Day started very early this year. My family picked me up from work, and as soon as I opened the car door I was welcomed by kids says… ‘MOMMY! MOMMY! MOMMY!’. The whole scene was so cute, and made me smile from ear to ear. When they kids finally calmed down, I began preparing to get into the car when they began saying ‘Daddy, give it to Mommy now’. Shocked I said, ‘Huh? What? What’s going on?’
Mike pulls out the card Daniel made at school, and the arts & crafts that Mikaela made at daycare. So very CUTE! But above all their proud faces to see that they made me happy felt so good. They had this GLOW that showed how happy they were to give me these specials items. It is nearly impossible to describe and I feel just awful for not capturing it... 

Making fun of his dad, my son said, “Daddy why you didn’t get Mommy flowers? I told you, you should get flowers for Mommy”. At this point I’m laughing big time, and realized my son is growing up thoughtful and sweet guy… a smarty pants. We arrived home and there is was… flowers waiting for me. That was really a SURPRISE moment for me; everything was so unexpected and funny.

One of those days… Taken by each kid to each other,with the help of their father dear…

I always say this… ‘SIMPLE things or moments are always the most PRICELESS!!!’ 

YES, family pictures are special occasions, am I right? And I won’t let the day pass without getting one. It took a lot of click, click and click to get the best one, but I needed to take consideration that my little one was not feeling good.  Can you tell she's telling me: "Mom, I'm done... no more please?"... LOL

My bro-in-law and family spent the night with us after watching the boxing fight... 
We all welcomed Mother's Day together.
The guys made some awesome brunch for everybody, and
sis-in-law and I even said, ‘We should let the guys hang out for breakfast always’ LOL!